Category: FL002_hyb_temperature_test Contact name: Lisa Meadows Aim: Further test for optimal hyb temperature conditions for FL002 slides using male vs female and spike RNA. Material: Spike mixes FL002 A and FL002 B (made 21/6/05): A:B r0: 01:01 - 4 spikes 300pg:300pg (on slide) r1: 1.6:1 (8:5) - 2 spikes 320pg:200pg r2: 1.8:1 (9:5) - 2 spikes 360pg:200pg r3: 02:01 - 2 spikes 400pg:200pg r4: 2.2:1 (11:5) - 2 spikes 440pg:200pg r5: 2.4:1 (12:5) - 2 spikes 480pg:200pg male total RNA (1.20ug/ul - extratced 28/06/05) female total RNA (1.53ug/ul - extracted 28/06/05) Array type: FL002 Slide numbers: S104754 S104755 S104756 S104761 S104762 S104763 S104766 S104769 S104771 S104772 S104773 S104776 Protocol: decided to label the double amount of RNA and spikemix per tube to save Dye costs. 12 tubes: mixed 100ug male RNA with 40ul SpikeMix A 12 tubes: mixed 100ug female RNA with 40ul SpikeMix B sped vac and resuspended in 29ul DEPC-water/oligo dT premix Label as 6 x Cy3: male + A 6 x Cy5: female + B 6 x Cy3: female + B 6 x Cy5: male + A combined labelling partners and after purifcation pooled a) Cy3: male + A / Cy5: female + B b) Cy3: female + B / Cy5: male + A made 12 aliquots of a and b => 24 slides froze 12 slides worth after drying in speed vac at -20 degree. used hyb temperatures: 47 C 50 C Scanner: Axon Cy3-PMT Cy5-PMT S104754 550 600 S104755 550 600 S104756 550 600 S104761 550 600 S104762 550 600 S104763 550 600 S104766 550 600 S104769 550 600 S104771 550 600 S104772 550 600 S104773 550 600 S104776 550 600 Results: Conclusions: Next steps: Other comments: